We emphasize a lot on fabric selection from the latest trends, style details with all relevant requirements complemented with washing/finishing mix and develop a customized product range. Counter developments to match our buyer’s specific requirements is also major responsibility for this department. Trims and accessories are also developed on regular basis to stay updated with changing trends.
We keep a vigilant eye with a better control on all major inputs including fabric and trims to avoid any exorbitant trend, leading towards higher production costs.
All processes right from buyer’s inquiry till maturity and execution of order are taken care in a standardized manner efficiently to maintain the production flow as per agreed plan. Consistent coordination with quality assurance department is the focus at all stages to ensure desired results with respect to every individual buyer. After successful results of final audit and the formal go ahead from buyer’s end, goods are moved. Shipment follow up helps to keep updated for the actual sailing of the vessel after handing over shipment to forwarder.
Let’s do it right to be Authentic